Fortune Academy NEWS
Our commitment to our Family and Community
In order to fulfill our mission of “equipping students to become competent and confident life-long learners,” we are committed to empowering our students to ask difficult questions and to stand up for injustice.
A message from our Head of School: COVID-19
On Monday, August 10th Fortune Academy will head back to campus for in person classes for the beginning of the 2020-21 School year. While we are looking forward to reuniting with our students and families, we realize that this beginning is unique and unprecedented. We continue to plan, prepare, and respond to the ever-changing needs of this time we find ourselves currently living in.
Challenge Accepted!
This April, Fortune Academy was given a $200,000 grant challenge with a one-year timeline to complete that challenge.
Fridge-Worthy 1/29/19
When school art comes home and is great, it ends up on the fridge. Our students happen to be fantastic artists, so we like to show off their imaginative creations in a feature we call Fridge-worthy.
J-Term Was a Success!
J-Term may be over, but what our students learned will serve them for a lifetime!
Fridge-Worthy: Happy Holidays Edition
When school art comes home and is great, it ends up on the fridge. Our students happen to be fantastic artists, so we like to show off their imaginative creations in a feature we call Fridge-worthy.