Our commitment to our Family and Community

Dear Fortune Academy Family,

In order to fulfill our mission of “equipping students to become competent and confident life-long learners,” we are committed to empowering our students to ask difficult questions and to standing up against injustice. 

The unrest our communities experienced because of the senseless killing of George Floyd has once again shined a light on the inequities that exist for our black and brown families. Indeed we have been shaken to the core by the reverberations of our nation’s troubling history with racial injustice.   We must take time as a school community to examine how our school is actively declaring itself and its values to be anti-racist to children and families.

As the administration team worked this summer to make plans for returning to campus, we also spent much of our time discussing new goals that will address the inequities within our school, including culturally responsive teaching, curriculum, and discipline. 

Some of these goals include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducting a curriculum audit

  • Professional development

  • Establishing a  diversity and inclusion team including staff and students

  • Evaluate hiring practices 

  • Diversifying our recruitment process for Board of Trustees members

This week we will establish our Equity and Inclusion team beginning with our staff.  This team will grow to include our students as well.  Equality is about treating people in a fair manner according to their needs. Inclusion links with diversity and equality. It is important to understand someone's differences and similarities, their story,   so that you can include them and treat them equally and fairly.

Commitment to our community has always carried us through. Fortune Academy has always worked to provide a sense of true community and family relationships.  We are committed to continuing to educate and empower our students towards this end.   In the words of Margaret Mead...“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Here to serve and support,

Vanessa Coles

Fortune Academy Head of School




A message from our Head of School: COVID-19