Fortune Academy NEWS
Lowering Stress, Improving Learning
Teaching our students how manage their stress and emotions to improve their life and learning.
Blood, Bones and a Fulfilling Career Day
Mr. Ritter kicked off this year’s parent-led presentations. He talked about orthopedic surgery and the instruments that are used during surgery. He also talked about the various types of implants and other methods for fixing fractured or displaces bones and joints. But like everything we do, OF COURSE the students got hands on experience checking out real life instruments and tools.
Fridge-Worthy 10/24/18
When school art comes home and is great, it ends up on the fridge. Our students happen to be fantastic artists, so we like to show off their imaginative creations in a feature we call Fridge-worthy.
The Lower School Blog - 10/12/18
The Lower School Blog by the Lower School is a blog about the Lower School.
Fridge-Worthy 10/8/18
When school art comes home and is great, it ends up on the fridge. Our students happen to be fantastic artists, so we like to show off their imaginative creations in a feature we call Fridge-worthy.
The Lower School Blog - 10/03/18
A picture says a thousand words, so check out what some of our lower school students have been up to this week in a gallery of images!
The Most Common Brain Hack: Reading
Compared to the earliest discoveries of mankind, written language is still a very new construct. Over millennia, we have been quite literally rewiring our brains to read and write. In a sense, reading and writing could be considered one of the most commonly developed brain hacks.