Lowering Stress, Improving Learning

Research shows that stress can physically hinder the brain from functioning at higher levels and can inhibit a student’s ability to achieve their potential. We are committed to empowering our students with strategies to achieve their own success. Mr. Chip has been hard at work helping our students develop skills to manage and take greater control of themselves in trying moments.


Mr. Chip has a button on his door as a reminder to the presentation on stress and anxiety at the Indianapolis Public Library where students learned that a “reset“ button can’t be pushed too turn a bad day into a good day. But he has equipped them with strategies to manage themselves when their having a not-so-great day.

He also leads them through different activities and exercises that help them physically calm themselves. Relaxation techniques were taught to the students. This one is part of the “tense/relax” technique.


The students are encouraged to understand and practice empathy. The microphone helps them focus their attention and listen to the other person. Empathy was taught in two parts. The first part was understanding the content and the second part was reflecting the feeling.


And these are even just a few of the great activities our students enjoy during their scheduled time with Mr. Chip.


The Sword in the Stone
