Coming Up This Week in High School

English II-Comer

We have finished The Great Gatsby and have started working on final projects that are due on Friday, March 9.  Everyone is working on an independent project.  They will have class time to work but they should be working at home each night on their projects.


English IV-Comer

We’ll be finishing reading the poetry from Dead Poets Society.  We are reading and discussing “Ulysses” by Tennyson, “Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” by Shakespeare, “She Walks in Beauty” by Byron and Whitman’s “O Captain! My Captain!”


Digital Arts-Comer  

We are working on our self-portrait painting on Pixelmator.



Math Lab-Comer

We have been learning how to keep score when we bowl.  We are hoping to plan a field trip to practice our scorekeeping skills.  


Geography - O’Donnell

FInishing our unit on Europe.  There will be an exam late next week to cap the unit.


Economics - O’Donnell

We are focusing on the Law of Supply.  We finished the Law of Demand this week, and we will be contrasting it with the Law of Supply and studying how these two theories work together.


Career/College Planning - O’Donnell

We are focusing on budgets, specifically how much one would need to make to live on their own.  We are going through local apartments, factoring utilities, food, and other expenses….. And then figuring out how much money one would need to make in order to meet that budget.  


Speech and Communication - Dust

Now that we have shared our BIG ideas, we are going to begin framing our talks. This week the class will launch into Exploration 4. The students will learn about story mapping and learning how to create a story arch. Consider how they want to start, fill in details and complete their talks. This is where they really roll up their sleeves and dig into the purpose of the message.


Biology - Tulbert

We are working on Chapter 10 about cell division, which we will finish next week.  Chapter 10 test will be Thursday--students should be studying!!!  We are also getting all our goodies fermenting in preparation for our buffet Thursday afternoon.


Anatomy and Physiology - Tulbert

We are finishing Chapter 6 on the nervous system and will have a test on it Thursday next week--Students should all be studying!!!  


Independent Biology - Tulbert

We finished Chapter 6 and will be starting Chapter 7 next week.


Psychology - Tulbert

Students completed Chapter 21 on states of consciousness, will have there test on Tuesday next week.   They will then start a project about a topic from the last several chapters.


Eng I -

We will finish the quarter by completing our Romeo & Juliet theme.  We finished watching the movie version today and will complete our reading through of the play on Monday.  They have a test on Tuesday on Acts 4 & 5 (they should be studying their Quizlet that was posted on Google Classroom).  On Wednesday they will make their oral presentations to the class of their special projects (Mrs. Simon and Mrs. Dust are doing their best to be present for this).  Beginning Thursday we will watch “Westside Story,” the musical modern version of “Romeo & Juliet.”  Next quarter will begin an exploration of the American short story.


L/A Lab I & II -

We have completed our review of some the most common roots and they all did well on their final test this week. We had an (ungraded) assessment of their knowledge (and for some, their memory of) the grammatical parts of speech. We are going to delve into sentence labeling and diagramming as a way to develop our writing skills.  By using the vocabulary that they have been introduced to this quarter, they will be incorporating it into their writing lessons.



We are wrapping up Ch. 4 on Mental Disorders.  Students will read and discuss the treatment options for various mental disorders, review all four sections, then take exam.  We will introduce next topic: Intimate relationships.



That's a Wrap!


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