2017: A Year in Review

A Year in Review: 2017 

Wow! This time last year, we were saying that 2017 was going to be our best year yet.  Here we are in December, and well... we told you so. Our school has seen such amazing progress and growth as a result of the hard work and dedication from our staff, volunteers and wonderful families who support us. So as we look forward to many great things we have planned for 2018, we thought we'd take some time to reflect on the many awesome things that made this past year our best. This feature will be updated daily through December, so be sure to check back! 

1. Award Winning Artist.

We begin by celebrating one of students, Oscar, who took home the 1st place award in the “Inspired by Audubon” art contest at the Indiana Art Museum. 

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2. Record Setting Fundraiser.

We changed up the look and feel of our spring fundraiser with the Ruby Event. It was our highest grossing event and we were able to fund our technology expansion and then some.


3. We Got A New Website.

We completely overhauled our website! We hope you love using it as much as we do!

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4.We graduated our largest class from high school.

13 seniors received their diploma from Fortune High School, our largest class yet! 


5. We went viral.

We went all out during Dyslexia Awareness Month and our educational videos alone reached over 220,000 people worldwide on every continent except Antarctica.

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6. Two great new administrators.

Holly Simon and Vanessa Coles became division heads for our High School and Lower School.


7. Award Winning Head of School.

Janet George was awarded the Ball State 2017 Indiana Women of Achievement Award. This award recognize Indiana women who enrich the lives of others through outstanding accomplishments in a variety of fields. Thank you Mrs. George for your outstanding leadership and vision at Fortune Academy.


8. We’re offering even more.

This year we’ve partnered with Indy-based Rewired Rehabilitation to offer OT/PT services with our students.


9. Award Winning Filmmaker in the Making.

One of our students, Kate, won best screenplay for a film at the Phantoscope Film Festival in Richmond, Indiana.


10. Award Winning Teacher. 

Dr. Beth Tulbert was the 2017 recipient of the Amy Forshey Memorial Excellence in Education Award granted by the Learning Disabilities Association of Indiana. 


11. A Scout's Honor.

One of our students, Conner, completed his Eagle Scout Project by building beautiful adirondack chairs painted in Fortune green and white.


12. Record Setting Community Events.

2017 was our biggest year in attendance of our free community events.

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Calling All Middle School Parents!


The Wisdom of Time